Underway sensors: Enhanced measurements from Ships of Opportunity (SOOP)
The research vessels (RV Cape Ferguson and RV Solander) of the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) routinely record along-track (underway) measurements of near-surface water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and turbidity during scientific operations in the tropical waters of northern Australia. All data records include sampling time (UTC), position (latitude and longitude) and water depth (under keel).
Data are recorded at 10 second intervals. Data are measured with a Seabird SBE38 thermometer, Seabird SBE21 thermosalinograph and Wetlabs ECO-FLNTU-RT (optical sensor for chlorophyll fluorescence and turbidity). The turbidity data (NTU) are currently regarded as provisional in the absence of local validation due to intermittent bubble contamination. The sampling intakes are located at depths of 1.9m (RV Cape Ferguson) and 2.5m (RV Solander).
The data is used to inform spatial patchiness of these variables and for ongoing validation of satellite ocean temperature and ocean colour products.
The IMOS Ships of Opportunity, Sensors on Tropical Research Vessels sub-Facility was discontinued in June 2022. Sea surface temperature data collected by Australian Institute of Marine Science research vessels continues to be provided via the IMOS Ships of Opportunity, Sea Surface Temperature Sensors for Australian Vessels sub-Facility. The near real time sea surface temperature data are quality controlled by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and uploaded onto the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) for global dissemination to be used in real time sea surface temperature analyses and climate data records, and also uploaded to the Australian Ocean Data Network.
All data are available on the Time Series Explorer https://apps.aims.gov.au/ts-explorer/ as well as the API and R tools packages linked below.
Until 30 June 2022, the quality-controlled, near real time RV Cape Ferguson and RV Solander underway data were supplied to the IMOS Australian Ocean Data Network Portal ( https://portal.aodn.org.au/search?uuid=ca15915b-38c5-4e95-8d25-9cc42c4dd48 5). Since 1 July 2022, only sea surface temperature and salinity data are available through AODN.
Data (till 30 June 2022) are also available through the AODN THREDDS Server ( http://thredds.aodn.org.au/thredds/catalog/IMOS/SOOP/SOOP-TRV/catalog.html ).
Identification info
- Date (Revision)
- 2024-10-17T00:00:00
- Website
- AIMS Web Site
- Protocol
- WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
- Credit
- Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
- Credit
- Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
- Credit
- Benthuysen, Jessica, Dr
- Credit
- Australian Bureau of Meteorology
- Status
- On going
Principal investigator
Point of contact
- Temporal resolution
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Description
- Region 2
- Description
- Region 1
- Description
- Collective resources start and end dates
Temporal extent
- Time position
- 2009-04-21
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
Resource constraints
- Linkage
License Graphic
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License
- Website
License Text
- Other constraints
- Use Limitation: All AIMS data, products and services are provided "as is" and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.
- Other constraints
- Attribution: Format for citation of metadata sourced from Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a list of reference is as follows: "Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) & Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS). (2015). Underway sensors: Enhanced measurements from Ships of Opportunity (SOOP). https://doi.org/10.25845/9VR7-9G80, accessed[date-of-access]".
- Other constraints
- Resource Usage:The citation in a list of references is: "IMOS [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access].Any users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source of the material derived from IMOS in the format: "Data was sourced from the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) - IMOS is a national collaborative research infrastructure, supported by the Australian Government." If relevant, also credit other organisations involved in collection of this particular datastream (as listed in 'credit' in the metadata record).Metadata Usage:Security classification code: unclassified
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Content Information
- Content type
- Physical measurement
Distribution Information
- OnLine resource
Data access via the AIMS Time Series Explorer (vessels)
Data access via the AIMS Time Series Explorer (vessels)
- OnLine resource
Data access via AODN Portal
Data access via AODN Portal
- OnLine resource
IMOS Webpage - Sensors on Tropical Research Vessels
IMOS Webpage - Sensors on Tropical Research Vessels
- OnLine resource
Technical Summary - Sensors on Tropical Research Vessels
Technical Summary - Sensors on Tropical Research Vessels
- OnLine resource
Data are available through the AODN THREDDS Server
Data are available through the AODN THREDDS Server
- OnLine resource
Fact Sheet - Sensors on Tropical Research Vessels
Fact Sheet - Sensors on Tropical Research Vessels
Resource lineage
- Statement
- Statement: See each of the sub-components for details of the quality control for that data. Program overview: IMOS were the cited responsibly party for the program until June 2022. From June 2022, AIMS & IMOS were responsible for the temperature and salinity data streams, and AIMS are responsible for the flourescence and turbidity data streams. For data collected prior to 30 June 2022 please cite: "Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS). (2015). Underway sensors: Enhanced measurements from Ships of Opportunity (SOOP). https://doi.org/10.25845/9VR7-9G80, accessed[date-of-access]". For data collected after 30 June 2022 please cite: "Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS). (2015). Underway sensors: Enhanced measurements from Ships of Opportunity (SOOP). https://doi.org/10.25845/9VR7-9G80, accessed[date-of-access]".
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Metadata identifier
- 8af21108-c535-43bf-8dab-c1f45a26088c
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
- Hours of service
- 0800 to 1640 UTC+10: Monday to Friday
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
- Date info (Creation)
- 2015-05-20T00:00:00
- Date info (Revision)
- 2024-09-06T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-3:2018
Spatial extent
Provided by