Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia
This three-year project (1995-1998) assessed short and long term effects of commonly transported oils and dispersed oils on Australian mangrove flora and fauna. Short term studies were conducted under planthouse and field conditions. Planthouse experiments were carried out at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Cape Ferguson. Field studies were carried out at Fisherman's Landing, Port Curtis, near Gladstone, within an area approved for reclamation by the Gladstone Port Authority. Longer term effects were assessed from spill incidents which occurred over the last 30 years at 9 sites around Australia. In planthouse studies, five oils (Bunker C fuel oil, Arabian Light crude, Gippsland Light crude, Thevenard crude, Woodside condensate) and their dispersed mixtures, using four dispersants (Corexit 9580, Corexit 9527, Shell VDC, BP-AB) were applied to four species of mangrove seedlings (Ceriops spp., Rhizophora stylosa, Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum) grown in specially constructed tidal tanks. The response of seedlings was monitored for around five months.In field experiments, oil and dispersed oil treatments were applied on replicated mature plots of Rhizophora stylosa under strictly controlled conditions. Field sites were monitored and sediment cores were collected at 2 days, then 1, 7, 13 and 22 months post-spill. The composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in the sediment cores at various depths were measured and evaluated.In the field study, the impact of oil and dispersed oil treatments on key flora and fauna was also evaluated. Leaf biomass, and mortality rates of mature Rhizophora stylosa trees and seedlings were measured. The impact on both epifauna and infauna was measured in terms of species diversity, density, biomass and mortality. The presence of Grapsid crabs from the time of oiling to 22 months afterwards was monitored.
Oil, washed ashore after accidents in regular operations of the petroleum and shipping transport industries can cause significant damage to coastal marine ecosystems, particularly those in the intertidal zone. In Australia, mangroves dominate intertidal shorelines on most of the continent. Mangrove forests are extremely vulnerable to oil spills since oil deposits on above-ground breathing roots, subsurface feeding roots, and a myriad of associated fauna. This project was undertaken to assess short and long term impacts on mangroves of oils and dispersants used in Australian waters, particularly regarding their effect on predominant mangrove species in this country; Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa. Findings from all studies were used to form the basis for improved guidelines and recommendations for the protection, cleanup, and restoration of oiled mangrove habitat around Australia, and elsewhere.
Identification info
- Date (Revision)
- 2024-10-17T00:00:00
- Website
- AIMS Web Site
- Website
- AIMS Web Site
- Credit
- Burns, Kathryn A, Dr (Co Investigator)
- Status
- Completed
Point of contact
- Temporal resolution
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Description
- Region 1
- Description
- Region 2
- Description
- Collective resources start and end dates
Temporal extent
- Time position
- 1995-08-01
- Time position
- 1998-08-31
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
Resource constraints
- Linkage
License Graphic
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia License
- Website
License Text
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- Use Limitation: All AIMS data, products and services are provided "as is" and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.
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- Attribution: Format for citation of metadata sourced from Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a list of reference is as follows: "Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). (2009). Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. https://apps.aims.gov.au/metadata/view/32df6034-13ec-44d9-8c17-a20c50d77dd4, accessed[date-of-access]".
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- Resource Usage:Use of the AIMS data is for not-for-profit applications only. All other users shall seek permission for use by contacting AIMS. Acknowledgements as prescribed must be clearly set out in the user's formal communications or publications.
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Content Information
- Content type
- Physical measurement
Distribution Information
- OnLine resource
Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia: Duke NC and Burns KA (2003) Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. pp. 232-363. In: Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (ed) Environmental implications of offshore oil and gas development in Australia : further research. A compilation of three scientific marine studies. 521 p.
Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia: Duke NC and Burns KA (2003) Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. pp. 232-363. In: Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (ed) Environmental implications of offshore oil and gas development in Australia : further research. A compilation of three scientific marine studies. 521 p.
- OnLine resource
Dispersant use and a bioremediation strategy as alternate means of reducing impacts of large oil spills on mangroves:The Gladstone field trials: Duke NC, Burns KA, Swannell RPJ, Dalhaus O and Rupp RJ (2000) Dispersant use and a bioremediation strategy as alternate means of reducing impacts of large oil spills on mangroves:The Gladstone field trials. Marine Pollution Bulletin 41: 403-412.
Dispersant use and a bioremediation strategy as alternate means of reducing impacts of large oil spills on mangroves:The Gladstone field trials: Duke NC, Burns KA, Swannell RPJ, Dalhaus O and Rupp RJ (2000) Dispersant use and a bioremediation strategy as alternate means of reducing impacts of large oil spills on mangroves:The Gladstone field trials. Marine Pollution Bulletin 41: 403-412.
- OnLine resource
Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Final Report: Duke NC and Burns KA (1999) Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Final Report. Australian Institute of Marine Science. 212 p.
Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Final Report: Duke NC and Burns KA (1999) Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Final Report. Australian Institute of Marine Science. 212 p.
- OnLine resource
Australian mangrove oil spill reports: Research in to the Bioremediation of oil spills in tropical Australia: with particular emphasis on oiled mangrove and salt marsh habitats. Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia: Duke NC, Burns KA and Swannell RPJ (2002) Australian mangrove oil spill reports: Research in to the Bioremediation of oil spills in tropical Australia: with particular emphasis on oiled mangrove and salt marsh habitats. Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Australian Maritime Safety Authority and APPEA. CD.
Australian mangrove oil spill reports: Research in to the Bioremediation of oil spills in tropical Australia: with particular emphasis on oiled mangrove and salt marsh habitats. Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia: Duke NC, Burns KA and Swannell RPJ (2002) Australian mangrove oil spill reports: Research in to the Bioremediation of oil spills in tropical Australia: with particular emphasis on oiled mangrove and salt marsh habitats. Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Australian Maritime Safety Authority and APPEA. CD.
- OnLine resource
Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Executive summary: Duke NC and Burns KA (1999) Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Executive summary. Final Report. Australian Institute of Marine Science. 23 p.
Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Executive summary: Duke NC and Burns KA (1999) Fate and effects of oil and dispersed oil on mangrove ecosystems in Australia. Executive summary. Final Report. Australian Institute of Marine Science. 23 p.
- OnLine resource
Weathering of hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments: testing the effects of using dispersants to treat oil spills: Burns KA, Codi S, Pratt C and Duke NC (1999) Weathering of hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments: testing the effects of using dispersants to treat oil spills. Organic Geochemistry 30 :1273-1286.
Weathering of hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments: testing the effects of using dispersants to treat oil spills: Burns KA, Codi S, Pratt C and Duke NC (1999) Weathering of hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments: testing the effects of using dispersants to treat oil spills. Organic Geochemistry 30 :1273-1286.
- OnLine resource
Surveys of oil spill incidents affecting mangrove habitat in Australia: A preliminary assessment of incidents, impacts on mangroves, and recovery of deforested areas: Duke NC, Ellison JC and Burns KA (1998) Surveys of oil spill incidents affecting mangrove habitat in Australia: A preliminary assessment of incidents, impacts on mangroves, and recovery of deforested areas. APPEA Journal 646-653.
Surveys of oil spill incidents affecting mangrove habitat in Australia: A preliminary assessment of incidents, impacts on mangroves, and recovery of deforested areas: Duke NC, Ellison JC and Burns KA (1998) Surveys of oil spill incidents affecting mangrove habitat in Australia: A preliminary assessment of incidents, impacts on mangroves, and recovery of deforested areas. APPEA Journal 646-653.
- OnLine resource
Effects of oil and dispersed oil on mature mangroves in field trials at Gladstone, Australia: Duke NC, Burns KA, Ellison JC, Rupp RJ and Dalhaus O (1998) Effects of oil and dispersed oil on mature mangroves in field trials at Gladstone, Australia. APPEA Journal 637-653.
Effects of oil and dispersed oil on mature mangroves in field trials at Gladstone, Australia: Duke NC, Burns KA, Ellison JC, Rupp RJ and Dalhaus O (1998) Effects of oil and dispersed oil on mature mangroves in field trials at Gladstone, Australia. APPEA Journal 637-653.
- OnLine resource
Effects of oils and dispersed-oils on mangrove seedlings in planthouse experiments: a preliminary assessment of results two months after oil treatments: Duke NC, Burns KA and Dalhaus O (1998) Effects of oils and dispersed-oils on mangrove seedlings in planthouse experiments: a preliminary assessment of results two months after oil treatments. APPEA Journal 631-636.
Effects of oils and dispersed-oils on mangrove seedlings in planthouse experiments: a preliminary assessment of results two months after oil treatments: Duke NC, Burns KA and Dalhaus O (1998) Effects of oils and dispersed-oils on mangrove seedlings in planthouse experiments: a preliminary assessment of results two months after oil treatments. APPEA Journal 631-636.
- OnLine resource
Lessons from the experimental oiling of mature mangroves: Duke NC (1998) Lessons from the experimental oiling of mature mangroves. E & P 12: 6-7.
Lessons from the experimental oiling of mature mangroves: Duke NC (1998) Lessons from the experimental oiling of mature mangroves. E & P 12: 6-7.
Resource lineage
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Metadata identifier
- 32df6034-13ec-44d9-8c17-a20c50d77dd4
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
- Hours of service
- 0800 to 1640 UTC+10: Monday to Friday
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
- Date info (Creation)
- 2009-06-10T00:00:00
- Date info (Revision)
- 2017-11-20T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-3:2018